Digital Transformation of Manufacturing Companies

Scaling digital transformation is a complex task for global manufacturing companies. Our Industrie 4.0 Maturity Platform supports you in mastering this challenge by enabling site-specific assessments and creating global transparency, which leads to scalable solutions.

Industrie 4.0 Maturity Platform –
Your Tool to Drive Digital Transformation in Manufacturing

The Industrie 4.0 Maturity Platform provides you with comprehensive control and data-supported management of your company’s digital transformation.

Based on the globally established Industrie 4.0 Maturity Index Framework, over 350 leading international manufacturing companies use our solution to manage their digital transformation successfully. The platform helps companies to gain control of their digital transformation and enable scaling. It allows them to assess themselves, create roadmaps for digital transformation and determine the financial added value.

With an in-depth database, the platform not only provides a benchmark of the current status, but also supports the selection of proven solutions for implementation. A central dashboard provides you with an overview of all plants, ensures standardization and prevents uncontrolled growth in solutions.

Optimize your production facilities with detailed assessments and create the basis for future-oriented decisions.

Get in touch

Sebastian Schmitz

+49 241 412522-10​

Provide the Central Cockpit for Digital Transformation Projects! ​

Centralized control for digital transformation projects

Our platform provides a central cockpit that summarizes company-wide results, standardizes measures and enables evaluations. We are convinced that digital transformation can only be successful from the inside out.

Data-driven assessments and benchmarks

Use our intuitive questionnaires based on your process map to assess the digital maturity of your sites. Based on the Industrie 4.0 Maturity Index, detailed process and overall evaluations are instantly available to you, including peer and cross-industry benchmarks.

Creation of an individual Industrie 4.0 roadmap

Based on the status quo analysis, the platform creates an individual roadmap with a comprehensive catalog of measures. The proposed measures in our database contain tried-and-tested solutions and are presented in chronological order, giving you a clear roadmap for your digital transformation.

Comprehensive reporting and integration

All results can be downloaded as a PowerPoint report and accessed via a PowerBI API. Our PowerBI dashboard allows you to compare your sites and centrally monitor measures to standardize solutions in an application catalog and plan their implementation.

Flexibility and integration of existing assessments

Increase the flexibility of your assessments by integrating existing assessments such as lean and IT security. This creates a common database that is digitally mapped and provides a uniform basis for your transformation projects.

Start your digital journey now!

Discover the possibilities of the Industrie 4.0 Maturity Platform and lead your company into a successful, digital future.

Whitepaper – Insight to the Industrie 4.0 Maturity Platform

Dive into this whitepaper to explore the strategic approach of the Industrie 4.0 Maturity Platform, see how it can be used to streamline digital initiatives across operations, and learn how it effectively raises the digital maturity of organizations while ensuring compliance with global standards.

Business benefits of using the platform

Status-quo & Benchmark

Standardized status-quo assessment and benchmarking of processes using an online platform

Scale Solutions

Structured roadmap development for your plants and aggregation at corporate level to scale solutions

Planning reliability

Planning reliability through maturity-based approach, developed with acatech, leading research institutes, TÜV and innovative companies

Reduction of complexity

Reduction of complexity with a plan individually tailored to the status quo

Learn more about the Platform in our Webcast

Experts Dr. Sebastian Schmitz and Jonas Kaufmann share insights in working with the Industrie 4.0 Maturity Platform to transform manufacturing companies from factory level up to overarching global, corporate functions in a holistic and approach driven way. The platform helps multinational companies to turn digital transformation projects into success stories and leverage Industry 4.0 solutions.

We train your experts

In our training you will learn how to apply the Industrie 4.0 Maturity Index on your own in your organization. We explain all tools and methods by working together on case studies using a manufacturing company Index on your own in your organization. We explain all tools and methods by working together on case studies using a manufacturing company as an example.

The expert training is rounded off by theoretical basics, which we convey through lectures and group discussions. Our tool for the application of the Industrie 4.0 Maturity Index is an online platform, which is provided by Onward Partners. During the training you will learn first-hand how to use the online platform plus many helpful best practices from the experts.

Learn more about our Expert Training

acatech Industrie 4.0 Maturity Index

Our proven management framework is part of the Industrie 4.0 Maturity Index Study, which has been created in close cooperation between acatech - The German National Academy of Science and Engineering, Universities and Research Institutes, and the Industrie 4.0 Maturity Center at RWTH Aachen Campus.

Learn more

Client Cases